
On Sunday 10 May 2015 I will participate in the Mother’s Day Classic raising funds for breast cancer.

One in eight women and one in 688 men will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. With the help of funds raised by the Mother’s Day Classic since 1998, breast cancer survival rates have increased from 83% to 89%. 8,426 families participated in the 2014 Mother’s Day Classic together across Australia.

The Canberra MDC will be at Rond Terrace, Commonwealth Park and involves a 5km walk or run and a 10km run around the Central Basin of Lake Burley Griffin, starting to the east and heading towards Kings Bridge.

SBS journalist Karen Middleton will be the MC for the award presentations, which I will be presenting the 5km prize winners at 10.20am.

For more information on the Mother's Day Classic please visit their website here.

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